
Loaning is one of the most important services of the Library provided to its users. All undergraduate and postgraduate students, professors as well as the technical and administrative staff of the University of West Attica can borrow the library material. External users can use the material only inside the library.


Students in order to enroll at the library must submit a photocopy of their academic card or a certification of studies and an ID card photocopy. Professors and administrative and technical staff must submit a photocopy of their academic card or an ID card photocopy and a certificate of their department or (for the temporary educational staff) a photocopy of their contract. Students can borrow four (4) books at maximum, for one week. If they wish to extend the loan, they must inform the library staff in order to make a renewal for one more week. Professors and technical and administrative staff can borrow five (5) books at maximum, for two weeks with the right of two renewals. All reference books (encyclopedias, dictionaries, guides, catalogs), the ELOT standards and serials cannot be borrowed.


It should be noted here that the Library has the right to deny a renewal when there is a pending request for the same books. In the case of multiple copies of an item, the Library always leaves one copy available for its readers. Now in the cases of overdue without any notification to the staff of the Library, after one (1) week, a claim is sent to the user via the electronic email. The claim is resent if two (2) weeks have passed without any reply. After one (1) month has passed without any response from the user to the Library, the former is informed in writing that he looses the right to loan. The users who can prove in writing that the reason for the overdue is illness or any other justifiable cause (journey to abroad, educational leave), are not deprived of their right to loan. Finally, if the material is lost or destroyed the user who is responsible is obliged to replace it.