
Next lie in brief the functioning regulations of the Library . All users are obliged to consent and adopt these regulations showing that they fully respect not only the Library but also the University. We remind you, that users of the Library are everyone, with none exception (professors, scientific and inquiring staff, undergraduates or not, administrative staff as well as external users) unless the Library itself has excluded them from any privileges due to not complying with the rules.

–  All users ought to read and sign the Library’s functioning regulations, as an indication that they are fully recognised and adopted.

–  All users ought to be silent and extremely cautious as far as their attitude is concerned for as long as they remain into the Library. They should respect the area as well as any fellows who are in need of an environment which allows their work and studies to be performed more efficiently. In any other occasion the librarian holds the right to remove the unruly from the area and to deny him any usage of the Library even permanently.

–  Misusing and taking notes on the Library’s material is strictly forbidden. All users ought to be cautious on how material or equipment is used. Any damage or loss is replaced or indemnified by the one who has caused it.

–  Users who leave the Library having notes or books should display them to the Library’s staff upon demand.

–  If the case of theft arises, then the Library can and shall deny its services permanently to the specific user.

–  Consuming food and drinks, smoking, and usage of mobile phones are not allowed inside the Library.

We should thank you in advance for the full acceptance of the regulations and for your cooperation at any time to comply with them.